Friday, November 25, 2011

Liebster Blog Award!

I am so excited to earn my first blogger award, the Liebster Blog Award. Amanda at My Life in a Nutshell and Trisha at The Elusive Second Line nominated me. Both of these blogs have provided inspiration for me I thank you ladies immensely.
This Award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers, all in the spirit of fostering new connections.
Leibster is German & means ‘dearest’ or ‘beloved’ but it can also mean ‘favorite’ & the idea of the Leibster award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers.
The Rules are:
  1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  2. Reveal your top five picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
  3. Post the award on your blog.
  4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogsphere – other bloggers.
  5. And, best of all – have fun and spread the karma.
These are the five blogs I wish to nominate for this award:

1. Detour - Her writing is heartbreaking and so honest.
2. MissConception - She recently had a terrible loss, and I am so inspired by her strength.
3. Cease and Decyst - She just started blogging but writes with humor and poignancy.


  1. Thank you, Her Royal Fabulousness! I'm honored that you nominated me.

  2. Congrats on the award!

    All the best for your TTC pursuit!


Shout it, shout it, shout it out loud!