For in depth info read this post.
Otherwise, here are the Cliffs Notes.
July 2005: Wedding bells
July 2005 - December 2009: Young, married, working, living life.
January 2010: No more birth control. Research on TTC naturally begins.
Jan. 2010-late June 2010: long, irregular cycles = red flags. Started acupuncture.
July 2010: Pregnant!
August 2010: Missed miscarriage at 7 weeks, followed by D&C
August - October 2010: spotting, spotting, spotting
Columbus Day 2010: Pelvic ultrasound shows "retained products of conception," leading to D&C #2
November 2010-January 2010: not an egg to be found - no period since before I was pregnant
January 2011: RE diagnoses me with PCOS based on elevated LH, no ovulation, being overweight and family history; started Metformin
February 2011: First ovulation since July 2010, but anovulatory the next cycle.
April - June 2011: 2 Clomid cycles but no ovulation, ending with Provera
June 2011: Supposed to start first Gonal F (75Iu)/Ovidrel/IUI cycle - CANCELED due to cysts, caused by the Clomid and PCOS.
July 2011: Ironically went back on birth control this cycle due to travel at end of the month.
August 2011: First injectable (Gonal-F/Ovidrel) and IUI cycle - BFN
September 2011: 6 large cysts force TTC vacation for a few weeks
September 2011 part deux (9/24/11): IUI Cycle #2 begins- BFN
November-late December 2011: Hiatus while 8 large cysts shrink and going on vacation. On BCP, Chinese herbs, and electroacupuncture
January 2012: IVF Cycle #1 begins! BCP, Lupron, Gonal-F, Menopur, Pregnyl, - 23 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, all sperm look good, and yet none fertilize
March/April 2012: IVF#2 same protocol with Doxycycline, Medrol, aspirin, PIO, and Vivelle patches post retrieval, acupuncture
April 10 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilize with ICSI!
April 15 - 5 day transfer of one textbook perfect blastocyst with 6 to freeze.
April 27 - BFP! Beta #1 at 12dp5dt: 859, Beta #2 at 15dp5dt 3,247!
So, there we are.
For all the well meaning folks who try to suggest new and different
things to try, here are all of the treatments, supplements, devices, and
medications I have tried so far.
Yeah, there are a lot of them:
-BBT, cervical fluid, and cervical position charting
-ovulation predictor kits
-timed intercourse
-exercise, small amount of weight loss
-prenatal vitamins
-fish oil supplements
-red raspberry leaf tea
-acupuncture (Japanese, Chinese, and electroacupuncture)
-Chinese herbs
-birth control pills (for cysts)
-2 injectable IUIs (Gonal-F, Ovidrel)
-2 IVF cycles